Design Resources

This space is dedicated to my own tools and indexing design resources I find useful.

Boost your brand identity design with Brandpress


Designing brand identities can be just as rewarding as it is challenging. I developed the Brandpress to help designers get the most of their clients up front to make sure everyone is on the same page from the beginning. It also provides a great head start to creating meaningful designs.

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The easiest wa to reference UX assests—uxdb


Many of the pieces in the UXdb are informal documents that emerged naturally in the course of my work. Formal documents, sometimes called deliverables, are also included. Since 2015, I have saved everything from a sketch on a napkin, or a whiteboard drawing, to large wireframe files and HTML prototypes.

UXdb Demo →

Know more before you build with Website Evaluations

Website Evaluations

It is difficult to determine the amount of time and resources needed to launch or redesign a successful website. The website evaluation framework allows the designers to take a holistic measure of the website and understand what needs to be done, before a project agreement is reached. As a result, the website evaluation increases the accuracy of scope and costs.

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A few of my favorite books on UX + product design.

Book cover—the design of everyday things by Don Norman

The Design of Everyday Things

By Don Norman

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Book cover—Lean UX by Jeff Gothelf and Josh Seiden

Lean UX

By Jeff Gothelf and Josh Seiden

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Book cover—Just Enough Research by Erika Hall

Just Enough Research

By Erika Hall

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Book cover—The jobs to be done playbook by Jim Kalback

The Jobs to be Done Playbook

By Jim Kalbach

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Additional Resources

More sources of industry knowledge and thought leadership.